Monday, April 16, 2012

Easter Sunday

Have I mentioned that I don’t live near hardly any family? So when there’s a big holiday meal to make, it pretty much falls to my shoulders. Sometimes I mind, most of the time I don’t. I love to cook, I just hate the plethora of dishes that follow. In the case of Easter dinner this year, we left the very next day for spring break in California. So I had to get all the dishes and pots and pans done the night before, and pack till midnight. Not fun at all.

First up, I was too lazy to make rolls, so I made a loaf of challah bread. Oh yes the eggy golden bread that is slightly sweet was a big hit. I was worried it wasn’t rising, but it finally rose (or is it raised?) in the oven when baking. You bet I used my favorite baking book—America’s Test Kitchen Family Baking book.

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See what I mean? It didn’t look puffy when in the dough form!


The rest of the spread was a roasted turkey breast, gravy (none for me, see below), mashed red potatoes, and my sister brought a strawberry feta green salad and roasted asparagus.

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And of course, we had deviled eggs. My son made sure I sprinkled the ‘red stuff’ on. (Paprika) I adore deviled eggs. I could’ve eaten half the plate. Instead, I had not even one. I’m having some health problems forcing me to eat a calorie restricted diet right now. It stinks so bad I can’t even describe it, so I won’t.

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It was a great day, to celebrate a great event.

1 comment:

Ilene said...

This is the first year in memory that we actually dyed Easter eggs. Dan was in heaven as he consumed 20 deviled egg halves as both the kids and I can't stand hard boiled eggs of any sort. He, like Nathan, lives in a nice bubble of a world where he can't seem to consume enough calories.

Not that I envy him the deviled eggs one bit. Just the principle of it.

Here's to hoping your health will get back to some sort of normal. It will.


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