1. All kids should get to hang out at their grandparents home eating homemade cookies from Grandma and flying model airplanes with Grandpa.
2. All daughters need a break from cooking dinner once in a while. Nothing makes me more jealous than to know that my sister and brother go to my parents house every Sunday night and eat fabulous enchiladas or gorditas. Aye, yo me gusto comida preparada de mi Mama. I'm sure I said that wrong. Sometimes I just want to cry on Sunday nights when I hear about my friends who are heading to parents/grandparents for Sunday dinner. Sigh. What would it be like to have someone cook for me? I can't really fathom that.
3. My dad is a great handyman. He's taught me how to put up crown moulding, change my spark plugs, and use a compound miter saw. If he lived here I would be learning even more from my amazing Dad.
4. My mom is good at doing hair and nails. She is a cosmetologist. If she lived closer, my girls would have cuter hair. Hallie refused to let anyone cut her hair for 6 months insisting that only Abuelita could touch her hair. Also, she gives the best manicures.
5. Lunches with my mom. Sometimes when I am starved for adult conversation during the day I beg Paul to meet me somewhere for lunch. If my mom lived here, Paul would get more work done because I would bug her and not him.
6. Great conversations--my dad is a great conversationalist. Luckily this one isn't too much of an issue because we chat on the phone--lately during his L.A. commutes home at night. We talk about McCain, Obama, racism, the price of gas, etc.
7. Shopping. I hate to shop, but my mom seems to find bargains wherever she goes. If she lived here, I would go shopping with her--as my good luck charm.
8. I still need to learn how to make Carne Machaca and Chile Rellenos (not the healthy ones, the fried ones) from my mom.
9. My Dad could help Nathan win the pine wood derby. Ok, so I don't really care about this one, but Nathan does. He's always saying, "Grandpa can fix anything!"
10. Kindness--my mom is so kind to me. I'm sure I would be a kinder mom if she were here to rub off on me.
I feel a trip coming on to California.....
I feel you.
It was SO NICE to have Mom visit. The perk of having to move and have a baby is extra visits from the parents. I love visiting Mom and Dad in Chicago but I wish it was easier to get to (and cheaper). What I envy for those people who live near their parents are being able to drop off the kids for a night or two and get away from the kids! Ah, one day...
If it makes you feel any better Cyn, we don't always have mexican food. Sometimes it's just chili dogs or leftovers. Still, it is a comfort to have family nearby. We also forgot to have your dad help with the pinewood derby- it didn't even occur to us until after the fact. I hope you do come soon, Marlon and Mitchell have soooooo much fun when the cousins are here.
Your mother and I are so touched by your sentiments. I never knew it is such a challenge for you! You know I very well would love to be close by just for those very reasons you named. When your brother left Utah and came back here to California it kind of changed our formerly dead-set minds on moving there to be near you.
When we retire, you can rest assured we will spend many weeks with you and Patty. Then you will get a belly full and toss us out!
not to rub salt in your wounds, but this is why we agonize over staying in CA. i hate, hate, hate south orange county but this is where we have to be if Dan is going to have a job and we are going to be anywhere close to my parents. i can't take my babies away from their grandparents and so we're trapped in this overcrowded, overpriced suburban wasteland.
and that colleen is why we stay in utah--we've grown accustomed to our lifestyle here and are not willing to trade it all to live in poverty. that and the fact that paul loves his *&^% job.
We haven't lived near our families for over 10 years now. I have really enjoyed being on our own and relying on ourselves and our ward members. But, it is true, as my kids get older I think about how nice it would be to live closer to their grandparents. I guess it probably will never happen since we will NEVER go back to CA and if AZ keeps getting more and more expensive, we will be staying here in the south enjoying a house we could NEVER afford out west.
Casey, you know Cynthia? i guess i shouldn't be surprised, but I am. cool.
Small world isn't it? I went to the Chino Singles ward so I got to know so many really great people. Not to mention all the ones from Institute.
Cynthia, I am with you 142% on this blog. In fact, I could have written it myself because I agonize over all of the points you brought up. I know it is partly our choice and partly not that we don't have kids, but I think it is a little bit harder being so far away from the parents when you don't have the comfort of your kids to see you through it all. Anyway, thanks for wiritng this blog. I am not eloquent like you are, and you stated it all so perfectly!
Cynthia, I landed on your blog by way of Van-Busta-Rhymes! I enjoyed reading your entries. I feel so intrusive and nosey! You have a talent for writing. I hope all is well with you and your family. Ciao, Marque Trosper
I know I've been pretty spoiled these past few years and I'm starting to panic about leaving. Hopefully we will still end up close to someone.
I think your dad looks a little like Beau Bridges... :-)
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