Like you, I have been haunted by the scenes of suffering in Haiti. It kept me up last night. So my birthday gift to myself was to donate to LDS Philanthropies, where I know 100% of my donation goes to emergency relief efforts. I am so humbled to be part of a church that is always on the the frontline of helping those who suffer around the world--whether it's emergency efforts like those needed in Haiti, building water systems in the Congo or donating wheelchairs to the disabled.
Please find your own way to help...no matter what charity you prefer. In response to my donation, I then received the best birthday present ever:
We are grateful for your donation of $XXXXX to Humanitarian - Emergency Response.
We appreciate your efforts to make a tangible difference in someone's life, and to bless the lives of others around the world. 100% of your donation goes to help those in need.
Humanitarian Services
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Happy 36th Birthday to me.
I wasn't aware of that LDS site, thanks for sharing. That is a great way to celebrate life, by helping those in need. Happy B-Day, Cynthia!
Thanks for your great example. The spirit must be speaking to so many of us to help. Just this morning while driving home fromm dropping my kids off at school the thought came to me to call the humanitarian aid office to see what our Relief Society could do. Thanks for the reminder. And Happy Birthday.
Yes, That is one of the best gifts ever! Thanks Cynthia. You are an amazing woman! Happy Birthday!
That horrendous earthquake and all of those people suffering really put my own problems in perspective.
What a brilliant idea.
That is awesome of you. And I too have been struck with sadness for the people of Haiti. I can't imagine.
My mom bought a goat (or a cow?) in the names of her siblings for Christmas this year.
Happy Birthday to you!!!
I was stuck in thought last night, too....wishing I could do more than just give $, but I know that is something that is needed & is something I CAN do.
that was a wonderful, selfless thing to do -- donating to the lds humanitarian fund ... for those who would like to do this, also, you can add it to your tithing slips on sunday: in the blank spaces at the bottom of the slip, you can write in humanitarian fund and earmark it for haiti ...
happy birthday!!!
Yeah that's great and all Cynthia, but...your how old?!!!! J/K, since I have known you for a good deal of all those 36 years, I figured that I would take the time to kidd you...my second daughter told me a few weeks ago that I was almost, get ready for this one...50!
Happy Birthday Cynthia!
Thanks for sharing your donation info!
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