If You Feed Them They Will Come
Nobody asks for my parenting advice because they've seen my kids. Nobody asks for cleaning
advice because they've seen my house. Nobody asks for hair advice because they've seen my unruly curls. But people ask my food advice and that makes up for all of it. In the last couple of days I've had a friend call me and ask how to cook a good steak and which to buy, my sister called and asked about what potatoes to use for viccysoise, and I just received an email from Paul's uncle telling me that he tried the butternut squash soup recipe on my food blog and that it turned out great. Next he was tackling the curry. Well, now we're talking!
Paul and I had our annual Christmas party at our house just last Saturday and it was a big ol' success. A few years ago I noticed that nobody has Christmas parties anymore so I set out to change that. Or maybe nobody invites US to their Christmas parties. Well if the mountain won't come to Mohammad.....So we invited 40 people and 34 came!! Our house is roomey, but not that roomey! People were crammed everywhere and for that I felt badly. That's never happened before--usually only half come because it's Christmastime and everybody is too busy. Who's too busy for a party? Did they come in droves because we are loved and adored by many? Maybe it's the fact that the invitation had one catch-your-eye phrase on it "Mexican dinner served." So we fed 34 people a dinner of tostadas, refried beans, and rice. It was a load of fun. Who doesn't like food smothered in hot sauce and cheese? Crazy people, that's who. That's my Christmas present to my friends and neighbors. Instead of a plate of sugary treats that are rarely edible, we feed 'em bacon fat infused beans and fried pork carnitas. Now you know why they came.
Please tell me I get a raincheck on dinner :-) It looks like a lot of fun...
If I was invited, I would have come too.
I need to break out of my shell and have a party. I will call you again for the food recipes.
Which uncle contacted you? How fun!
Hey, I also call you for fabric advice.
What does it mean when no one ever calls me for advice?
Oh, I could cook A LOT of beans in my cute new kiwi french oven, huh?!
Putting that on my list of things do do with a $200 pot.
parties are fun! if only i knew anybody who wanted to have fun. way to go! i'm trying to throw a party for all of us schmucks with little kidlets who are housebound on New Years, but it seems i've been cursed to live amongst those who don't appreciate a real party. but i didn't rent a house with a huge backyard and a fire pit so that i could never have anybody over! here's hoping i can pull it off!
have you ever tried hosting dinner parties? again, seems like nobody can commit to anything. or maybe they all hate me. hmmm.
Yum.. i'd come too.. alas the commute from New Hampshire wouldn't get me back in time to tuck kids in bed.. shucks.. haha.. and good for you with the cooking, and introducing your kids to Hummus early, first time i had it i was in NY city and in college.. never got a taste for it.... i have to admit i love to cook but rarley break out of the standards.. no one askes me advice about anything either.. hmmm..good for you!!!
Ummm, Cynthia? You're a fantastic cook, and that's not a secret. Combine that with your latina heritage, and WHO wouldn't come to a Mexican food Christmas party hosted by you, hmmmm? The fact that so many people showed up should be no surprise! (O:
I guess I should be honored that my friends call me for cooking, sewing, and all kinds of other advice!
Merry Christmas from your black sheep sister! (O:
Colleen, I throw dinner parties about 4 times a year and have a theme--curry night, mexican night, french bistro night. It gives thrills and chills.
It gives ME thrills and chills. Not my guests.
Glad you clarified that Cynthia- I was wondering what sort of party you were throwing there for a minute. And of course almost everyone came. I would have been all over that one. Hope you guys had a great Christmas!
oh and I think I also ask you for advice on being married to a Winward man.
hey Cynthia, if i knew your email i would drop you a note, but instead i'll do it here. everything OK? you haven't posted for a while and i hope it's a good kind of busy you have going on right now.
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