My little Nathan has always had a knack when it comes to building things and fixing things. When he was 3 years old he found a screwdriver and took apart Patty’s electric piano. Patty had lent it to me and Nathan watched us put it together. So obviously he just did the reverse of what he watched us do. He carefully removed the legs and proudly showed us his handiwork. Nathan is also very good at building things—particularly with his Legos. Not too long ago he built this depiction of Lehi’s vision of the Tree of Life. For you non-LDS folk out there, it’s a story from the
Book of Mormon. We had read that story for family scripture study and Nathan soon afterwards built this wonderful rendition of the Tree of Life. I like how Luke and Obi Won are holding onto the iron rod but Anakin and Han Solo are drowning in the evil abyss.
Well, Nathan is 9-years old now, and he has done it again. I bought a DVD player at Wal-Mart this week for the upstairs TV. That TV doesn’t have any reception so movies are about all it is good for. Anyway, on my way home from Wal-Mart I am thinking with dread that I have to hook this dang machine up. I am terrible at stuff like this. Oh sure, I can read a sewing pattern successfully but I can hardly put together my Ikea finds. But then I remembered that Nathan is Inspector Gadget. When he came home from school I handed him the box and said, “I know you can hook this up.” He

immediately told me that he wasn’t sure if it would work because that TV is old and it probably didn’t have the right cable hook ups in the back. (Winnie donated this TV to us and a garbage can donated it to her.) Nathan came down 15 minutes later, announced that the TV didn’t have the right hook-ups, but that he routed the cables through the VCR. (The VCR eats tapes now but we’ll keep it just to run the DVD player. Good grief.) So there we have it. Nathan can hardly answer the phone with more than a cave man grunt, but by golly, that boy can fix/build/connect anything. As Nathan always says about my dad, “Grandpa can fix anything.” Guess it’s all in the family.
Trevor says (he's too chicken to comment on here) that your VCR must be old, too. The newer ones won't route like yours did.
I see Nathan as a future brain surgeon or some other kind of genius-type profession.
Well, is that the same as saying he is a chip off the old block? I have no doubt Nathan's talents will be put to better use than I did mine.
Grampa Harrington
I hope one of my sons is as smart as Nathan. That way I can depend on someone to monetarily support me in my old age :)
He is the cutest little guy!
I can do the same thing with Carlie..not electronically but I can send her in to make pancakes, eggs, brownies etc..I think I am secretly training my own personal chef..She and Nathan would make a great pair :-)
Way to go Nathan! I have the worst luck with all things technological(is that a word?) So maybe he can school me in the ways of wires and construction.
:-)Nathan is amazing I have to agree!
BTY:...that T.V. was a hand-me-down from one of my dad's co-workers---he was going to throw it away but my mother got her hands on it...and then passed it along to me...glad to know it is of some use!
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