Besides, his photos speak for themselves. And I'm not even that into cars. May God bless you Mike in finding a job! Dang this blasted economy. I just can't help but think if it wasn't for the greed on Wall Street and the greed of many Americans who thought they deserved a 5,000 square foot home and a boat and lots of toys, we wouldn't be in this mess. And neither would decent hard-working folks like my brother. So here's to finding a job better than the last.

P.S. I love that the second photo is in the L.A. aquaduct. Yup, never any water there! Gosh, I miss L.A. and the glorious arid climate that it is.
wow, what a talented family you have! Those are some great photos, and I'm not into cars either. Amazing and I wish him luck too!
Wow very cool pictures!!! I will forever link Mike with Arkansas.. it really taught me what a small world we live in when Ben and I got one of our first appartments and went to church for the first time of coarse they asked us where we were from, our usual response was "x-miles from LA" thinking there's no way they would have EVER heard of Chino... well not this bunchm, and they ALWAYS inquired do you know Elder/Mike Harrington?? they sure do love him.. it was a GREAT ice breaker!!
good luck to him, I agree with all you said about the economy!!! I sure do hope it comes around!!!
You forgot to mention those tax dodgers and fraudsters who haven't helped the situation.
It seems that if you are rich (ie a likely bRepublican) you should have to pay more, but if you are a Democrat you just forget to pay them and get promoted to a Obama cabinet position!
Thanks Cynthia for the kind words and encouragement for Mike. It means alot.
Mike has always been an artist. I LOVE his photography.
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