Technicolor Pillow $40
Anti-Winter Pillow $27
Spinning Circles Pillow $35
I made this chicken dish again tonight. And then I chatted about it with a friend on facebook which makes me think I should just post the recipe. It helps that the recipe comes from my favorite British chef Nigella Lawson. Isn’t curry the national food of England now? I knew those Brits were smart.
I can’t say enough about this dish. I’ve served it at curry parties and it’s always a hit. It’s my comfort food and when you see the ingredients you’ll know why—chicken and cream? Yum! Don’t be afraid to use powdered spices instead of whole spices if that’s all you have. Personally, I buy my whole spices in bulk here (for cheap!) and keep them in the freezer. Now if I only had a tandoor oven to make naan bread….
I have decided that if I want to buy my kids toys then the test should be this: throw the toy down onto the floor in my path of walking, and if it looks good there, then buy the toy. Because that’s the only reason my kids have toys—to make me work harder at cleaning up all the crapola. So being the brilliant person that I am, I have put a moratorium on toys, sort of. For Christmas, this was the test: give the children gifts they’ll love and I will love. Tough order to fill.
I think I've mentioned before that I swap my sewing skills for fabulous furniture with Four Chairs furniture in Orem. In an effort to keep the no-toy-rule this last Christmas (yes, I'm behind on blogging about sewing/decorating) I decided to give the girls blanket chests. I told the girls that these were like treasure chests . So only items they love and treasure should be placed inside—i.e., no crapola. They seemed to like that idea and quickly went around their room grabbing special items to carefully stow inside. And because I love color, they had to be painted cute shades of limey green and turquoise. Mission accomplished.