If you are not a parent, I am about to warn you. If you are a parent, let’s form a support group. Because what I’m about to say I never knew before I became a parent. What I am about to type here is vital information if you are going to become a street smart parent.
GPS is for suckers. Why? Because my kids tell me how to drive all the time. They tell me to turn right at red lights so that I don’t have to wait for it to turn green. They ask serious questions about why I am choosing to go this way to Costco when it is clearly the other way. How many times do I have to explain to them that there are many different ways to get to many different places? All this from children who can barely ride a bike on the trail without falling off the trail into sticker weeds. (This happened to Hallie last week)
War of the Words. My kids argue and pick at words all the time with each other and with myself and Paul. Often this lands them in time out, so don’t worry, we’re on it. Time out is to my kids what the belt was to my family (and Paul’s family) growing up. Clearly our parents were smarter. Time out is for foolish parents like myself, that’s for sure. Anywho…..Ilene will be kicking Nathan (yup, kicking) and he’ll say
“Stop kicking me” and she’ll say,
“I’m not kicking me, why would I kick me?” (*kick kick kick*)
Ilene argues about where we will sail the boats tonight for the
(*audibly groans*) Raingutter Regatta for Cub Scouts, after all, there is no water in the parking lot so we can’t possibly do it there. Yes, we anticipate Ilene will go to law school so we’re saving now for Little Miss Spicy Tongue. I’m thinking of becoming a cave man mom and just grunting and pointing my commands to avoid the word picking.
The Price is Right. My friend Laurie wrote a blog about
her kids’ addiction to the Price and Right (beyond funny) and I’m thinking I need to encourage the same because I can see such addiction as a creative outlet for my kids constant need to know how much stuff costs and from where it came.
“Mom where did you buy this ham?” “Mom how much is string cheese?” I’ve started pulling their little chains and answering
“I stole the cheese” because that’s the only way to get them off my back. Sure my condoning theft, even if through sarcasm, which they don’t get, could lead to Hallie stealing extra Smarties from the check out stands at Macey’s Grocery Store, but it’s a chance I’m willing to take. ‘Cause my sanity is apparently more important then their moral compass.