I've been on a bag making frenzy lately. You name it, tote bags, purses, messenger bags, etc. I decided that I am tired of sewing custom drapes and such for clients. These clients are stifling my creative ability! They pick out ugly fabric and then have me sew what they want for them. The nerve! That's great for the money and all (after all I did earn myself a new Yamaha piano during the winter) but I want to be a bit more creative. I need a hobby that can fuel my love of fabric. I've been playing around with the idea of making what I want and then selling it. I have the control of my timeline, the fabrics, my creative desires, etc. 

As of late, I have become obsessed with retro and vintage inspired fabrics. As you can see by all these purses I've made this week, I'm not afraid of color. (By the way, I designed all these bags myself, drafting my own patterns.) I have browsed these fabrics online and the websites of the designers who have the glorious job of designing the fabrics. I envy women like Amy Butler, Heather Bailey, and Denyse Schmidt. Wow, now that would be my dream job--to design fabrics and patterns. These fabrics just scream to me, "Make me into something gorgeous!" What better than a purse or bag. Oh sure, I can make blouses, skirts, curtains, aprons, and pillows--but bag making is new to me. And if there is something I love, it's to learn something new, preferably with food or fabric. The latter seems to be the healthier choice given my love of butter and cream. So onward I press.