
Friday, July 15, 2016

My Son the Missionary

My son Nathan left this week on July 12, 2016 to serve a mission for our church in the Dominican Republic Santiago mission. He will be gone for two years. I miss him already. Their is definitely a loss in our home without him here. He's lived here 18 years, how could there not be a loss?

Just last week he was my tiny little buddy. Or at least it seems like last week.
Nathan and me, 2001, Love his Chevron cars in the back, he loved collecting those.

Getting a missionary ready to leave the country for two years is a butt-load of work. Vaccines, passport, Visa application (the worst chore of them all), all the missionary clothes, contact lenses for two years, the list goes on.
Two years of daily contact lenses!

Paul helped him pack for the 2-year mission. 

We tried to do a lot of  "last chance to eat (blank) for two years". Last chance to have sushi, last chance to have chicken kurma, last night to have tacos, last breakfast of blueberry pancakes. I just wanted him to feel as special as possible before he left. That's what moms do. We use food to make our kids feel special. Or at least that's what I do. I did play ping pong with him before he left but I'm lousy at that. I'm better at cooking.
Nathan has loved the chicken kurma at Bombay House in Provo for many years.

A day in Salt Lake, eating lunch 10-stories up.

Sushi lunch with me at Shoga in Orem

The last weekend before we left we had a backyard party for him. I made four different sheet cakes--red velvet, raspberry cream cheese, chocolate mint, and lemon. Who doesn't love a party with lots of cake?

It was a beautiful (but hot!) summer night. Loads of fun, such a celebration.

Such a happy night.
Nathan has such a great group of friends. Such fine young men.
This is my mom, Nathan's Abuelita, She was a big help for the party!

Finally it was time to say goodbye. Hardest day but also a happy day. He had a midnight flight to New York, and then on to the Dominican Republic MTC (Missionary Training Center). We drove him to the airport and said our goodbyes. I thought my heart would break. Actually I think it did a little.

Killing time, being silly.

Farewell to my wonderful son. He is delaying college at BYU for two years. He is that kind of amazing young man. Eager to serve the Lord. I'll miss him but know he is where he should be.

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